help! kernel/pppd/modem
Steve Stavropoulos
steve at
Sat Mar 3 01:57:31 EET 2001
On 2 Mar 2001, Sotiris Koussouris wrote:
> Hello
> me recompile ton 2.4.2 kaneis kanonika dial
> alla me to pou paei na arxisei o pppd pe8anei kai bgazei
> can't open ppp0 interface.
> episis tora teleytaia bgazei kai kati problimata me to ioctl
Asxhmh synh8eia na mhn diabazeis to documentation tou software pou
xrhsimopoieis(sthn prokeimenh periptwsh tou kernel). Toulaxiston to
Documentation/Changes eprepe na to diabaseis.
Loipon, an ekanes ton kopo na to diabaseis 8a eblepes oti prepei na
kaneis upgrade ton pppd sthn ekdosh 2.4.0. Epishs einai kai alla
programmata pou pi8anwn na xreiazontai upgrade(modutils, util-linux,...).
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