Task switchimg algorithm

Evangelos Tripolitakis tripol at mhl.tuc.gr
Fri Jul 27 11:43:01 EEST 2001

diabase to biblio twn leitourgikwn
tanenbaum gia arxh ....
pantws ean den kanw la8os (an kanw as me
dior8wsei kapoios) to linux xrhsimopoiei
round-robin (ish katanomh xronou sta processes)
algori8mo gia process-switching....

************Tripolitakis Evangelos***************
************Undergraduate  Student************
*Dep. Electronic and Computer Engineering*
*********Technical University of Crete**********


"The Reverant" <reverant at freemail.gr> wrote in message
news:mailman.994431843.10872.linux-greek-users at lists.hellug.gr...
> Paides xaireto()
> Kserei kaneis pou mporo na bro plirofories gia ton task switching
> algorithmo tou linux? Ektos apo to /usr/src ennoeitai, den psaxnogia
> kodika alla gia theoritiki analisi. Efxaristo.
> --
> The Reverant
> (Dimitris Stasinopoulos)
> "Eimaste Mafiozoi.
>  Mas xtipate, sas xtipame.
>  Einai i douleia mas."

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