Guess Partition Table-BOH8EIA

DJ Art djart at
Mon Jan 22 22:35:02 EET 2001

Adrianos Papamarkou wrote:

> 1. Makari na breis to df. Periexei oti xreiazesai.

Apo pote to df deixnei cylinders kai oxi hd usage (megabytes, kilobytes,
inodes, klp) ?? Ego den blepo pouthena cylinders, oute sectors:

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5               163325     54933     99960  35% /

Edo kala-kala oute inodes den deixnei se reiserfs filesystem:

$ df -i
Filesystem            Inodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/hda5              42168    5799   36369   14% / 
/dev/hda6                  -       -       -    -  /usr
/dev/hda7                  -       -       -    -  /opt

(mono to proto einai ext2, ta alla reiser)

(ektos an tha prepei na anabathmiso to GNU fileutils)

DJ Art (aka Kyritsis Athanasios) <djart at>
Studying Electrical & Computer Engineering @ UPatras

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