Άγγελος Οικονομόπουλος lydwigvernon at
Sun Dec 16 19:41:01 EET 2001

Dimitris Mandalidis wrote:

> On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 18:45:14 +0200, Άγγελος Οικονομόπουλος wrote
>> (sorry alla gia enan peiragmeno san kai emena einai autonhto oti _panta_
>> exeis ena(kai 2 kai 3) backup tou mbr kai tou partition table
>> (antoistoixa kai gia ta oxi-master))
> Πως γίνεται το backup και το restore του {MBR,partition table} ;
Pws to lene na deis? A, nai: "there's more than one way to do it"

gia olo to mbr:
i)My favourite: dd
san root: "dd if=/dev/hda of=/root/mbr.raw bs=512 count=1
gia restore: "dd if=/root/mbr.raw of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1
ii)an exeis ena backup tou pt kai mia rescue disk(h ena cd telwpantwn)
kaneis restore to pt, bootareis apo th mia boot disk me root=/dev/hda1 kai 
trexeis lilo. Enallaktika apo th rescue disk kaneis
mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
chroot /mnt
umount /mnt
init 6
(auto upo8etei oti den exeis 3exwristh /boot kai esu den exeis)

gia to pt
i)o autistikos tropos (alla mporeis na krathseis kai backup se ena kommati 
xarti kai na kaneis restore apo disketa)
fdisk -l /dev/hda > mbr
kai gia restore: trexeis to fdisk kai kataskeuazeis me to xeri to pt pou 
perigrafei to mbr (vi mbr) 
ii)sfdisk -d. Koita sth man page gia leptomereies
iii) to disk drake ths mandrake mporei na parei backup alla to exei se 
morfh xml kai xreiazetai to idio prog gia restore
iv) afou sou aresei toso polu h dd koita th man page (hint:seek)
> Δ.

"If geiger counter does not click,
the coffee, she is just not thick"
              --Pitr Dubovich(Illiad)

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