/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/CONTENTS ?

George Billios gbil at otenet.gr.nospam
Wed Dec 5 07:16:01 EET 2001

Φαντάζομαι ότι έψαξες τα πακέτα μέσω του Software Manager. Ε, σε αυτή την
περίπτωση δεν θα βρείς τα sources. Αν όμως ψάξεις μόνος σου τα CD θα βρείς
ένα rpm πακέτο που το λέει kernel-sources.κάτι.rpm. Το κάνεις install και

"Nikiforakis Manos" <manolios at auth.gr> wrote in message
news:3C0D56FC.9000003 at auth.gr...
> Geia se olous
> Loipon, prin apo ligo kairo, peiramatizomouna me to recompilation toy
> pyrhna (Se systhma Mandrake 8.1 me pyrhna 2.4.8).
> Ontas apeiros sto 8ema douleba sto /usr/src/linux-2.4.8 pou yphrxe,
> dinontas ta gnwsta:
> make xconfig klp
> Meta apo polles wres kai synexomena sfalmata sto shmeio
> make modules, ta parathsa, trabhksa kai ena make clean kai ta afhsa ta
> pragmata ws eixan.
> Shmera, prospa8wntas na kanw compile ton Driver gia thn karta DXR3,
> diapistwsa pws to /usr/src/linux-2.4.8 einai sthn ousia adeio!!!
> Dikia mou malakia apo tote profanws!
> Pws mporw na epanaferw o,ti yphrxe ekei wste na kanw th douleia mou?
> Epsaksa ta rpm apo ta CD ths MANDRAKE alla oti eixe sxesh me kernel
> grafotan sto /lib/modules/.... kai oxi sto /usr/src/linux-2.4.8/
> Eyxaristw.
> Nikiforakis Manos

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