Fwd: Beowulf s/w info

Manolis Doxastakis manolis at sequoia.chemeng.upatras.gr
Thu Apr 26 18:30:01 EEST 2001

Arketa programata gia beowulf cluster mporeite na breite
sthn parakatw dieythinsi:


Proswpika an kai exw sthsei cluster den exw xrhsimopoihsei
polla apo ayta, kathws douleuw synhthws me ena parallel job se ola
ta mhxanhmata...Gia thn periptwsh tou Panepistimiou omws
kapoio "queueing system" einai mallon aparaithto (polla diaforetika
batch runs...)...


 Doxastakis Manolis

 Dept. Chem. Eng. , Univ. of Patras
 Tel: ++30 061 997225
 E-mail: manolis at sequoia.chemeng.upatras.gr


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