RedHat rulez (was Re: RedHat 7.1 (was Re: upgrade from RH 6.2->7.0))
Steve Stavropoulos
steve at
Tue Apr 24 00:27:01 EEST 2001
On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Pavlos Parissis wrote:
> When the time was Mon, 23 Apr 2001 01:51:05 +0300 (EEST), Sarantis Paskalis wrote....
> Sarantis->Oi entypwseis mou apo th Red Hat einai oti antapokrinontai poly grhgora
> Sarantis->sta bug reports kai synh8ws bgainei mia lysh apo ekei (eite einai diko mou
> Sarantis->to la8os eite diko tous). Twra gia to poso buggy einai (se sxesh me tis
> Sarantis->alles dianomes fantazomai) den exw idea. Pws to metrane auto?
> Gia afto mhn perneis kai orko:)
> AKoma "perimenw" updates gia to pppd,bind kai allwn paketwn sxetika me 2.4.x kernels se redhat
> 6.2.
> Egw thimame otan eixa 5.1 kai eprepe na valw 2.2.2 vrika sto sites ths kai ta 10 updates pou
> xreiazontan o kernel.
> Twra thelw mono 4 kai afta den ta vriskw.
> An ta vrw prepei prwta na lisw to sxetiko provlima me th version tou rpm kai meta na arxisw to
> upgrade, kai mhn anaferthw
> sto agkathodes thema upgrading glibc2.2......
> Den kserw giati alla h RH mou exei dwsei twra teleftaia thn entipwsh pws versions prin 7 den tis
> "ipostirizei" plhrws.
> Den milaw gia ta paketa pou vgainoun sto errata alla gia paketa pou den exoun aparetita bug fixes
> alla einai new version.
> Alla kai akoma gia thn 7 version sxedon simvainei to idio, an pas to download kommati tou sites
> kai kanei search gia pppd tha sou pws exei akoma thn 2.3.11.
> OK kserw paw se ena rpmfind mirror kai to katevasw alla pou einai to updates twn paketw apo thn
> idia RedHat?
> Polla apo ta paketa se rpm find mirror den einai apo thn redhat alla apo alles dianomes simvates
> me redhat.
> Egw thelw na valw rpm pou builder einai kapoios mesa apo thn redhat kai oxi kapoios asxetos pou
> mporei na exei kanei kapoio "lathos" sto spec tou kai exei valei mesa oti thelei. OK egw san
> mazoxas pou eimai katevasw panta to source kai diavasw to spec alla afto den mporei na ginei
> panta. DIoti gia na kaneis rpm -ba thes kai tis libs pou thelei to programma gia na ginei build.
> Kai kala na einai 1-2 alla ama einai 5-6 pou kai me tis siratous theloun alles toses ti ginete?
> Gia na kanw build mia afarmogh prepei na valw 100 paketa? Mou etixe mia fora me enan mail client
> vasizmeno se perl-modules.
> MIpws to gegonos oti den vlepw tetoia ipostiriksei exei na kanei me mia yphresia(den thimame pws
> legete) ths RH pou plhrwneis kai kaneis updates to RH sou apo ton ftp ths?
> Aftes einai aples skepseis pou kanw kai den thelw na anoiksw polemo twra metaksi distributions kai
> rpm me tar.gz.
> O kathenas exei o opoia dianomh thelei alla katavashn exei linux.
> Filika,
> Pavlos
Loipon, kaneis la8os gia thn RedHat. Yparxoun ola ta upgrades pou 8es,
apla den einai fully supported, ekei diathreitai h RH ligo pio
Gia otidhpote kainourgio rpm 8es na baleis afou koita3eis sta updates kai
den yparxei 8a koita3eis sto rawhide:
PS. mhn mou peis oti ayta ta paketa pou exei ekei 8eloun glibc 2.2, pare
to src.rpm kai kane compile(mhn eisai tempelhs) :)
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