An article for you from an reader.

neonakkis at neonakkis at
Sat Apr 21 17:35:01 EEST 2001

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AN ARTICLE FOR YOU  -
                                         FROM AN ECONOMIST.COM READER  

Dear Linux Greek Users,

E.A.Neonakis (neonakkis at wants you to see this
article on

Out in the open 
The world is taking to open source

THE words must have shocked the global community of volunteer software
developers known as the open-source movement. Volker Wiegand, president of the
American subsidiary of SuSE, a leading Linux vendor, recently declared on the
website Linuxgram that Linux as a business wasn't working out. His company had
laid off two-thirds of its staff in early February. The free operating system
was a "fallen angel" and a victim of irrational expectations, he said.
(more ...)
Go to the address above to read the full story, or to for more global news, views and analysis from the Economist Group.

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