SuSE 6,4 + XfsFt

Konstantinos Christidis kchristidis at
Sat Oct 28 00:46:30 EEST 2000

Geia sas paidia,

exw SuSE 6,4. Kanw login se console kai meta me 'startx' trexw se KDE
(den 3erw kata poso auto einai shmantiko, alla kalou-kakou to anaferw).
Egkatesthsa to XfsFt akolou8wntas tis odhgies autou tou HowTo
( )

Enw ola phgan kala, me thn ennoia oti sto proswrino test (otan etre3a
manually to XFsFt kai merikes akomh entoles, opws perigrafontai sto HowTo)
mporousa na dw ta TrueTypeFonts sto KDE Font Manager.

Omws to provlhma proekupse otan 8elhsa na kanw to Xfstt na trexei automata
ka8e fora. Akolou8hsa ta vhmata tou HowTo (meros VIII) omws otan ekana reboot
kai egrapsa 'startx' evgale to e3hs munhma:
(mou aradiazei edw ta Fontpaths pou uparxoun sto XF86Config, to enw dipla 
sto allo kai sthn epomenh seira leei)
Fatal Server Error: Could not open default font 'fixed'

Gia na kataferw telika na mpw sta X Windows (xwris vevaia ta TTF) ekana 
edit to XF86Config kai pros8esa ena '#' prin apo th seira 'FontPath 

Exw synhmmeno to XF86Config mou, an 8elete na to tsekarete.

Mhpws mporei na me voh8hsei kaneis re paidia?
Auta ta true type fonts me vasanizoun mhnes twra kai ka8ws den exw kai 
ka8olou xrono na asxolh8w me to Linux, me paideuei akomh perissotero.

Sas euxaristw polu ek twn proterwn,

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