Epitelous! (Was: Phreaking)

THEMiS PAPASSiLEKAS panzer at finecon.gr
Wed May 10 12:29:33 EEST 2000

> to site pou mou edwses den douleyei

    Twra, den jerw gia esas tous ypoloipous, alla

    a. exw thn isxyrhn entypwsh pws o logos 8oryvou/shmatos se touth thn
amoirh lista olo kai xeiroterevei. File Zarog, eipame, anektikoi, ante
na poume kai kati psiloasxeto opws to phreaking, alla katopin twn
apanthsewn pou phres, PARATA TH LISTA HSYXH! An 8es steile proswpiko
    b. Ektos tou oti to site doulevei mia xaroula, vriskw ena tetoio
mhnyma opws to parapanw toulaxiston AGENES. Oute prosfvnhsh, oute
apofwnhsh, oute eyxaristies, oute kan shmeia stijhs re aderfe, les kai
variesai kai mas 8ymwneis pou den sou apanthsame swsta se kati
asxeto...gia onoma...

    Den exw janasteilei paraponetiko mhnyma sth lista, alla gia onoma
tou 8eour e paidia, sevasteite tous ypoloipous, tous kanones ths listas
kai tous kanones ths eygeneias... den sas zhtaei kaneis polla...
[Reality is that, which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
-- P.K.Dick]

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