emacs & gpm fixes for Slackware 7.0 & -current (fwd)

Kwsths math1890 at edu.uch.gr
Thu May 4 14:23:02 EEST 2000

Mia kai den eida na anaferetai pou8ena ...
Sorry gia osous den endiaferei alla einai xrhsimo..eidika ta error pou
petage to gpm.
Btw xronia polla.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 16:44:12 -0700
From: David Cantrell <david at slackware.com>
To: slackware-security at slackware.com
Subject: emacs & gpm fixes for Slackware 7.0 & -current

There are two security updates available for Slackware 7.0 and Slackware-current.
Affected packages are gpm.tgz and the E series (Emacs).  Users are advised to 
upgrade these packages as soon as possible.

   gpm 1.19.2 AVAILABLE - (a1/gpm.tgz)

      gpm was upgraded to 1.19.2 to fix remaining security problems in the
      gpm-root daemon.

   emacs 20.6 AVAILABLE - (e1/*.tgz)

      The E series was upgraded to GNU emacs 20.6.  This upgraded the
      following packages:


      The recent security patch posted to BugTraq by RUS-CERT, University
      of Stuttgart was applied before building the packages.  The holes
      fixed include:

         o   Under certain circumstances, unprivileged local users can
             eavesdrop the communication between Emacs and its subprocesses.

         o   It is impossible to safely create temporary files in a public
             directory from Emacs Lisp.

         o   The history of recently typed keys may expose passwords.

      The entire advisory (as well as the patch) can be read on
      ftp.slackware.com in:

Separate patches will not be produced for the /patches directory in the
Slackware 7.0 distribution tree.  Users of Slackware 7.0 can download the
necessary packages from the Slackware-current tree and run upgradepkg to
install them.

It's generally a good idea to bring your system into runlevel 1 when doing
package upgrades, just to minimize error.

   # telinit 1
   # upgradepkg <packagename>
   # telinit 3

Remember, it's also a good idea to backup configuration files before upgrading

- The Slackware Linux Project

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