SOLVED: RE: Peri SO5.2

I.Ioannou roryt at
Wed May 3 20:23:31 EEST 2000

On 02-May-00 Panos Katsaloulis wrote:
> Pera apo ayto, 9a h9ela na koinopoihsw kati poy moy arese.
> Opws sas eixa pei 9a egrafa 2-3 bug report. Loipon telika fainetai pws ta

Pestous oti an pas na deis tis selides toy hellug baraei core :-)

> Poy to brhkes ayto; Pws moy 3efyge; Eixe ginei sto parel9on ny3h gia *ayto*
> akribws to 9ema sthn StarDIvision kai poioyse thn nyssan.

Koita sto HELP ekei pou leei gia External Linguistic, milaei gia mia external 
shared library, me sigkekrimeno format, pou tha analabei na deinei sto SO
ta stoixeia pou xreiazetai o spell checker - KANEIS ETHELONTIS ??

I.Ioannou <roryt at>

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