kppp - micronet 56K

Stratos Laspas s_laspas at
Thu Jun 22 13:49:18 EEST 2000

Den jerw an einai sumptwsh na allaje h otenet politikh, tautoxrona me
th dikh mou allagh modem. Pantws, sta w98 to script pou uphrxe
ejakolou8ei na douleuei.

Stis odhgies sundeshs me linux pou exei stis selides ths otenet,
pragmati perigrafei ton tropo sundeshs upoxrewtika me pap (apo thn allh
pali, den mou fainetai gia entelws prosfato keimeno, opote giati prin
thn egkatastash tou Micronet sundeotan?). 8a dokimasw na setarw gia pap
kai ta janaleme.

Euxaristw gia thn amesh apanthsh.

--- "I.Ioannou" <roryt at> wrote:
> Stratos Laspas wrote:
> > 
> > ton ari8mo, sundeetai (sunh8ws gurw sta 46K), alla meta, anti na
> mou
> > bgazei "Username:" apo thn otenet, mou emfanizei diafora sumbolakia
> > "+", paren8eseis, paules ktl. Einai 8ema arxikopoihshs? H entolh
> > sundeshs einai ATX3DT.
> Ayto simainei oti paei na kanei authentication me pap h me chap
> kai oxi me username/password, rithmise ton dialer sou analoga
> kai fiakse ta /etc/ppp/pap-secrets h chap-secrets
> (apo pote h Otenet to allakse ayto ? H mipws perneis se lathos
> tilefono
> ?)
> I.Ioannou <roryt at>
> --
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Stratos Laspas

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