ext2 problems...
Stoilis Giannis
stoilis at bluebird.gr
Tue Dec 12 23:38:02 EET 2000
Geia sas,
parakatw perigrafw ena problhma pou exw kai pisteuw oti sxetizetai me to
ext2 filesystem.
Ekei poy egrafa ena cd, to linux mou(Slackware linux 7.1 - 2.2.17 kernel)
pagwse. Ekana mia epanekinhsh, kai fusika prospa8hse na kanei check to
filesystem, epeidh eide oti den egine kanoniko shutdown. Kata thn deiarkeia
autoy toy test, to systhma ksanapagwnei. Ksana reboot, ksana automato check,
ksana pagwma.
kanw boot me to slackware cd, to ton default 2.2.16 kernel, to diko mou
susthma, ola kanonika alla moy leei oti prepei na elen3w to filesystem moy.
to elegxei, briskei kapoia problhmata, ta dior8wnei kai kanw reboot me ton
diko moy kernel.
Se auto to reboot, epimenei oti den egine kanoniko shutdown kai ksanakanei
check, parolo poy ekana kanoniko reboot. to 21.7% bgazei e2fsck segmentation
fault alla me afhnei na mpw mesa sto susthma mou. ksana check, alla den
briskei kanena problhma. kai etsi exoun ta pragmata
bootarontas me ton diko mou kernel, to e2fsck petaei core sthn ekkinhsh. me
ton 2.2.16 pou perilambanetai sto cd tou slackware, kanena problhma.
na shmeiw8ei oti kanw full check, me bad block checking, alla problhmata den
briskei. epishs, den exw allaksei TIPOTA sto susthma mou, to problhma
emfanisthke entelws ksafnika. ton 2.2.17 kernel ton exw apo tote pou
prwtobghke kai den eixa kanena problhma sxetiko. o diskos einai kainourios
sxetika, 6 mhnwn, maxtor kai oudepote mou dhmiourghse problhmata. kernel
recompile ekana(mpa kai...) alla to problhma sunexizei...
upo8etw oti kati paixthke sto kollhma, pou mporei na sunebei gia
opoiondhpote tuxaio 'h' mh logo kai to filesystem mou exei ena problhma pou
to e2fsck den mporei na entopisei/dior8wsei.
prin dokimasw na kanw format kai reinstall, exei na proteinei kapoios kammia
lush? exei ksanaparousiastei genika tetoio problhma pote?
Euxaristw ek twn proterwn
- Giannis Stoilis
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