Greek Ruleset for kpp (EPAK)

Alexandros Vellis avel at
Mon Apr 24 20:17:20 EEST 2000

×áéñåôþ ôç ëßóôá. :)

Óå êÜðïéåò óôéãìÝò áðüëõôçò âáñåìÜñáò êáé... ìïíáîéÜò :), óêÝöôçêá íá
áíáíåþóù ôï rule ãéá ôï kppp ðïõ õðïëïãßæåé ôï ôçëåöùíéêü êüóôïò ãéá
ôç óýíäåóç óôï Internet. Óõã÷ùñÝóôå ìå áí Ý÷åé ãßíåé Þäç áõôÞ ç
äïõëåéÜ, áëëÜ ôï KDE ôïõ SuSE 6.2 ìïõ äåí åß÷å ðáñÜ ôï ðáëéü ruleset
ãéá ôá øçöéáêÜ ôçëÝöùíá.

Ôï óõíçììÝíï áñ÷åßï, Hellas_EPAK.rst ðñÝðåé íá ìðåé (ãéá íá åßíáé
globally äéáèÝóéìï) óôï $KDEDIR/share/apps/kppp/Rules/Greece. ÌåôÜ
åíåñãïðïéÞóôå ôá "ëïãéóôéêÜ" áðü ôï ðáñÜèõñï ôïõ KDE, êáôÜ ôá

Äéïñèþóåéò, ðáñáëåßøåéò êëð. äåêôÝò. ÖõóéêÜ. :-)



guru, n: A computer owner who can read the manual.

Alexandros Vellis
E-Mail: avel at         ICQ UIN: 37931847
-------------- next part --------------
# These rules are for EPAK / PEAK phones in Greece, which
# essentially means cheaper rates for Internet providers' phones.
# NB: This applies only if you _know_ there is a POP (Point Of
# Presence) of your provider near you. Otherwise, the daytime
# calculation is _wrong_ - it's a lot more expensive). If s/o
# wants to update it (rather, make a new Ruleset, Hellas_EPAK_noPOP
# or something), do so. :-)
#  Costs:
# > 1 Unit (U) = 7 Drs + 18% VAT = 8.26 Drs <
# 08:00-22:00: 1U/(7/2)Min [(7/2) = 3.5' = 3'30" = 210"]
# 22:00-08:00: 1U/ 7   Min [ 7' = 420" ]
# * Pay attention Greeks Users to the frequent changes of the
# * Unit's price (sigh!).
# Author: Alexandros Vellis, avel at, University of Athens,
# dept. of Physics, Home Page:
# Based on the rule for tone phones, by:
# Nikos Kokras, senior medical student, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki
# email: nikos at, kkrnls at

# NAME OF THE RULESET. This is NEEDED for accounting purposes.

# currency settings

# defines DRS (Hellenic draxmi) to be used as currency
# symbol (not absolutely needed, default = "$")

# Define the position of the currency symbol.
# (not absolutely needed, default is "right")

# Define the number of significat digits.
# (not absolutely needed, default is "2"

# connection settings

# NOTE: rules are applied from top to bottom - the
#       LAST matching rule is the one used for the
#       cost computations.

# This is the default rule which is used when no other rule
# applies. The first component "13.57" is the price of one
# "unit", while "180" is the duration in seconds.
# Therefore the following rule means: "Every 180 seconds 13.57 
# DRS are added to the bill"
default=(8.26, 210)

# more complicated rules:

# "on monday until sunday from 22:00 pm until 08:00 pm the costs
# are 0.2 each 72 seconds"
on (monday..sunday) between (22:00..08:00) use (8.26, 420)

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