
Constantinos A. Kotsokalis ckotso at
Tue Apr 18 18:42:29 EEST 2000

On Tue, 18 Apr 2000 17:33:08 +0300, panoulis wrote:

man createdb

Sygkekrimena: Exeis ftia3ei th DEFAULT database, pou einai h
template1. Otan trexeis sketo psql, auto paei na brei database
me to onoma tou xrhsh pou thn trexei (en prokeimenw, postgres).
An etrexes psql san root, 8a phgaine na brei thn DB ``root''.
Auto pou prepei na kaneis einai:

1. createdb lala
2. psql lala

...kai eisai ok. Tha se boh8hsei *poly* to pgaccess pou mpainei
synh8ws me th postgres, nomizw by default. Auto mporeis na to
xrhsimopoihseis anti tou psql, se grafiko perivallon. Tha prepei
kai pali na exeis ftia3ei nwritera to database pou 8es me to

fsck your brains

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