
Harris M xarism at chania-cci.gr
Thu Apr 6 16:14:41 EEST 2000

L> Katarxhn gia th seiriakh sundesh ti kalodio xreiazete?

>Null modem cable. Tipote apo osa proteinan oi diaforoi asxetoi edw mesa
>prokeitai na sou doulepsei teleiws, ektos apo th lysh me to modem cable
>kai to
>null modem converter. An 8eleis na breis to swsto pin out gia null modem
>me hardware flow control, psakse sta archives (nai kserw kati eipa
>bariemai na to ksanabriskw

Pragmatika to mono kalwdio to opoio kanei gia seiriakh syndesh einai ena
null modem cable h ena aplo modem cable me null modem conventer. Onomazetai
null modem cable giati i akida 1 sth mia meria syndeetai me tin 1 tis allis,
i 2 me ti 2, klp . Sto epmorio pwlountai etoima, alla ean den vreis, mporeis
ean pianoun ligo ta xeria sou apo kolitiri na kataskeuaseis ena. Pisteuw
omos pws de tha yparksei provlima.

I Xarilaos Margiolakis I
I xarism at chania-cci.gr I

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