Prwth selida se keimeno apo TeX

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at
Wed Apr 5 02:02:27 EEST 2000

On Tue, Apr 04, 2000 at 04:54:51PM +0000, Panos Katsaloulis wrote:
> Pws ginetai sthn prwth selida apo TeX na mhn emfanizetai o ari9mos grammwn;
> Profanws ayth h selida exei kataskeyastei me \title \author \maketitle klp.
> Akoma ki otan dokimasa na balw prin kai meta to \pagestyle{empty} panta
> emfanize ton ari9mo grammhs :(

Den jero an theleis se latex h plain TeX.  An theleis se LaTeX, tote gia
na allakseis to styl tis *trexousas* page, min xrhsimopoieis to macro
\pagestyle, alla to \thispagestyle.  To \pagestyle allazei tis ry8miseis
alla arxizoun na isxuoun apo tin epomeni selida.

An pali to theleis gia plain TeX, ego sinithos to kano kapos etsi:

	hades!charon:~/tex$ cat titlepage.tex
	\vfill\eject}			% telos selidas xoris noumeraki
	\advance\pageno by -1		% diorthosi page counter

To mustiko einai oti to \nopagenumbers einai mesa se {..} opote, otan
kleisei to } den isxuei pia.  Apla prepei na kaneis \eject tin selida
prin kleisei to } pou akuronei to \nopagenumbers.

Epeidi bebaia esoretika to \pageno tha aujh8ei molis kaneis \eject,
ystera apo to \eject to meioneis kata 1, oste na min metrisei tin selida
pou molis ekanes eject (xoris na fanei arithmos).

- Giorgos Keramidas

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