problhma me to mbx2mbox

N.P. sten38 at
Sat Apr 1 11:49:12 EEST 2000

Kalhmera se olous,

psaxnontas ta archives brhka ena script gia na metatrepeis ta mbx arxeia
tou Outlook se axeia pou mporoun na diabastoun apo netscape (profanos
gia na metafero ta email mou sto netscape tou linux) To problhma einai
oti otan pao na trekso ta arxeiaki mou bgazei to eksis error :

mbx2mbox: =: command not found
mbx2mbox: use: command not found
mbx2mbox: use: command not found
mbx2mbox: syntax error near unexpected token `qw(%'
mbx2mbox: mbx2mbox: line 36: `use vars qw(%opts);'

apo oti katalaba uparxei kapoio la8os, alla poio? Ti to tsatizei sth
line 36?
stelno kai to arxeio

-------------- next part --------------

$VERSION = 0.32;

use strict;

# This script converts Outlook mbx's and dbx's into regular mailboxes readable
# by programs like Pine, Eudora, and Netscape. It seems to work for the couple
# of mailboxes I have.  Your mileage may vary.

# Usage: mbx2mbox [-d|-c] <files ending in .mbx or .dbx>
# The "fixed" mail files will have the same names, sans ".mbx".
# -c More aggressive removal of odd characters from email. (Removes
#    non-english characters, which may be part of the Microsoft noise.)
# -d Debug mode
# Be sure to compress your mailbox using Outlook, which should help remove
# some of the binary data from the file. Also be aware that this script has
# not been tested for Outlook versions since circa 1997, and may not work.

# If you would like to be notified of updates, send email to me at
# david at The latest version is always at

# Written by: David Coppit <david at>

# Please send me any modifications you make. Keep in mind that I'm likely to
# turn down obscure features to avoid including everything but the kitchen
# sink.

# This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See
# and

use Getopt::Std;
use vars qw(%opts);


use constant DEBUG => $opts{d} || 0;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub dprint
  return unless DEBUG;

  my $message = join '', at _;

  my @lines = split /\n/, $message;
  foreach my $line (@lines)
    print "DEBUG: $line\n";

  return 1;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the record separator to the null character - since each message ends with
# a null, this will slurp an entire message in one gulp.  


my @mbxfiles = @ARGV;

if ($#mbxfiles == -1)
  # Remove ./ from name
  $0 =~ s/^\.\///;

  print "Usage: $0 [-d] file1.mbx file2.dbx ...\n";

foreach my $mbxfile (@mbxfiles)
  dprint "Now processing $mbxfile\n";

  if ($mbxfile !~ /\.[dm]bx$/i)
    print STDERR "ERROR: $mbxfile is not a .mbx or .dbx file.\n";

  my $outfile = $mbxfile;
  $outfile =~ s/\.[md]bx$//i;

  open INFILE, $mbxfile;
  open OUTFILE, ">$outfile";

  # This is the main loop. It's executed once for each email
  while (!eof(INFILE))
    my $email = '';

    # There are potentially several null char's between messages, so this will
    # keep eating input until we find something that contains a header.
    $email = <INFILE> while !eof(INFILE) && $email !~ /(From|Received):/s;

    last if eof(INFILE);
    # Remember, \XXX notation is octal, not decimal!

    # Clean up junk in front of From: or Received:
    $email =~ s/^.*?(From|Received|Sender|Return-Path|Date):/$1:/s;

    # Remove any weird characters that remain. 
    $email =~ s/[\000-\010\013\015\016-\037]//sg;
    $email =~ s/([\000-\010\013\015\016-\037\177-\377].{0,3})*$//sg;
    $email =~ s/[\177-\377]//g if $opts{c};

    # pull out the stuff that goes into the message separator.
    $email =~ /From: (.*)\n/im;
    my $from = $1;
    if ($from =~ /<(.*)>/) {
        $from = $1;
    elsif ($from =~ /(.*) \(.*\)*/) {
        $from = $1;

    $email =~ /Date: (.*)\n/im;
    my $date = $1;

    $email =~ /Subject: (.*)\n/im;
    my $subj = $1;
    if (DEBUG)
      dprint '-'x70;
      dprint "Processed email:";
      dprint "  $from";
      dprint "  $date";
      dprint "  $subj";

    # Put at least one empty line between emails.
    $email .= "\n" while $email !~ /\n\n$/s;

    print OUTFILE "From $from $date\n";
    print OUTFILE "$email";


  close INFILE;
  close OUTFILE;



=head1 NAME

mbx2mbox - Converts Outlook .mbx and .dbx files into standard RFC822 mail


  mbx2mbox <files ending in .mbx or .dbx>


=over 2

I<mbx2mbox> attempts to convert Microsoft's proprietary .mbx and .dbx formats
to the standard RFC822 mail format used by programs like Pine, Eudora, and
Netscape.  The .mbx and .dbx files provided as arguments to mbx2mbox are
processed and output to files having the same name, except without the .mbx





Process saved.mbx, creating the standard mail file "saved".

  mbx2mbox saved.mbx

=head1 AUTHOR

  David Coppit, <coppit at>,

=head1 SEE ALSO

elm(1), mail(1), grep(1), perl(1), printmail(1), Mail::Internet(3)
Crocker,  D.  H., Standard for the
Format of Arpa Internet Text Messages, RFC822.


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