Clear Screen function in C++

Apostolis Rudis apostolis at
Fri Sep 10 22:27:35 EEST 1999

On Wed, 8 Sep 1999 21:47:10 +0300
"Mark Papadakis" <markp at> wrote:

> ncurses einai mia lisi, iparxun kai alles. As pume oti to kaneis me ncurses..
> des to paradeigma:
> #include <curses.h>

... deleted ...

Παραθέτω τον κώδικα που έχω γράψει, έτσι όπως τροποποιήθηκε με τα
καινούρια στοιχεία της curses.h

//File Name: 5.cpp
//Author: Apostolis Rountis
//Email Address: apostolis at
//Description: Nested ifs and elses along with a few while loops ...
//Last changed: September 10, 1999

#include <iostream.h>
#include <curses.h>

int main()

initscr(); cbreak(); noecho();
intrflush(stdscr, FALSE);
keypad(stdscr, TRUE);

    long int koko, lala, lili;
    cout << "\nThis program demostrates the nested if and else statements.\n";
    cout << "\nIt also handles positive as much as negative numbers.\n";
    cout << "\nTry every possible combination, including the case of\n";
    cout << "incerting the same correct number twice, and see what
    cout << "\nTry to also place the numbers 10, -10, 20 and -20 instead
    cout << "other values, to see the loop.\n";

    cout << "\nAll right, gimme a number larger than 10 or smaller than -10:
    cin >> koko;

    while ((koko == 10) || (koko == -10))
    cout << "\nI said larger than 10 or smaller than -10!\n";
    cout << "That means, 10 and -10 are not included! Are you blind,"
         << " or what?\n";
    cout << "Try again: ";
    cin >> koko;
    if ((koko > 10) || (koko < -10))
    cout << "\nThank you."
         << "\nNow gimme another one larger than 20 or smaller than -20: ";
    cin >> lala;
    while ((lala == 20) || (lala == -20))
    cout << "\nAh, you are a complete idiot!\n"
         << "I said larger than 20 or smaller than -20! Can't you read?\n";
    cout << "Try again: ";
    cin >> lala;
    lili = (koko + lala);
        if ((lala > 20) || (lala < -20))
	    if (koko == lala)
	    cout << "\nExcellent! The sum of your numbers is: " << lili << "\n";
	    cout << "You placed the same number twice, eh? I got ya!!!\n\n";
	    cout << "\nGreat! The sum of your numbers is: " << lili << "\n\n";
	cout << "\nThe number you entered is smaller than 20!!!" << endl;
        cout << "Are you trying to cheat here? Rerun the program!\n" << endl;

    cout << "\nThe number you entered is smaller than 10!!!" << endl;
    cout << "Are you trying to cheat here? Rerun the program!\n" << endl;    

keypad(stdscr, FALSE);

    return 0;

Η εντολή που έδωσα για το compiling ήταν g++ koko.cpp -o koko -lncurses

Τώρα ναι μεν λειτουργεί το clear screen αλλά οι γραμμές του μηνύματος
που βγαίνουν πριν ζητηθεί ο πρώτος αριθμός είναι λες και κάποιος πάτησε
μερικά tabs σε κάθε γραμμή... Επίσης δε βλέπω τον αριθμό που εισάγω!

Αν βάλεις // σε όλες τις εντολές που αφορούν την curses και αφήσεις μόνο
την παράξενη εντολή printf("\033[H\033[J"); θα παρατηρήσεις ότι τα
πράγματα είναι πολύ καλύτερα. Το κείμενο εμφανίζεται κανονικά και ο
αριθμός που εισάγεις είναι ορατός.

Παρά το γεγονός ότι πειραματίστηκα πολύ με την curses, δεν κατάφερα να
μου δείχνει αυτά που βλέπω με την printf...

apostolis at
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