set up Qs

Stratos Laspas s_laspas at
Mon Nov 29 10:50:15 EET 1999

xairetw, kalh mera kai kalh bdomada.

Exw ton controller Adaptec 2940UW kai exw sundesei enan Atlas IV, ena
Plextor CD kai ena Plextor CDR. Epishs, exw enan IDE primary master kai
enan IDE secondary master. 8elw na balw RH6.1 (me thn revised install
diskette) kai w98.

Otan paw na kanw fdisk sto dos, mou bgazei ton SCSI teleutaio (disk 3).
Me ton tropo auto, den me afhnei na kanw active ena partition tou sda.
Epitrepei mono sto hda. 

Estw, phga kai egkatesthsa mesa apo dos, ena partition sto hda gia na
balw ta win 98. Sth sunexeia, phga apo linux kai eftiaja ta upoloipa
partition opws ta h8ela, kai stous treis diskous. 
Ebala to /boot ston sda, kai egkatesthsa to LILO sto MBR tou hda. 
To /usr sto sda, to / sto hda, to /home kai to /opt sto hdc. Swap kai
ston hda kai ston hdc. Exw xrhsimoipoihsei sunolika to miso xwro se
ka8e disko, me thn prooptikh to upoloipo na einai sta w98. To hda1
einai primary dos partition (active), ap' opou fortwnei kanonika w98.

1) Otan jekinaei to LILO, kollaei sto "LI" kai meta den bgazei tipota.
2) Otan 8elw na ftiajw partitions me to install tou RH, bgazei px sda1
kai meta bgazei sda5 kai panw (ext2 extended). Giati den mporw na kanw
sda2 ktl?
3) Xrhsimopoiwntas boot disk pou eftiaja sto RH, h ekkinhsh ginetai
4) Otan paw na moirasw ton upoloipo xwro stous diskous mesa apo to dos
fdisk, opou exw ftiajei px hdc1, hdc5 ktl, mou bgazei oti
xrhsimoipoieitai olos o xwros (enw xrhsimopoieitai mono o misos xwros
se ka8e disko). Epipleon, ta ext2 extended ta blepei ws dos extended,
xwris orismena mesa tous logical drives. 

Idees kaneis?

Stratos Laspas
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