GIMP kai ellhnika...

Panayotis Vryonis vrypan at
Wed Nov 10 03:50:48 EET 1999

"A. Andreou" wrote:

> > "times new roman"
> "grtimes"

Auto 8a doulepsei mono an yparxei alias apo to -blah-blah-....-8859-7
sto grtimes. Me ta fonts tou GRAFIS pragmatika douleuei, alla oxi
kai me ta TTFs... Ektos kai an pas na baleis ta sxetika aliases sto
swsto fonts.alias (sto dir pou exei to font pou 8eleis na xrhsimopoihseis).
Ekei mporeis na oriseis gia paradeigma ta grverdana, k.l.

H allh lush pou prota8hke me thn tropopoihsh twn scripts mou moiazei
pio swsth. Isws omws na prepei na mpei "hard-coded" to 8859-7
mesa sta scripts, afou me to * logika to GIMP 8a xrhsimopoihsei to
prwto font pou teriazei. Eisai sigouros oti 8a einai to ellhniko?

Alla, pali, den exw dokimasei kanena apo ta duo... :-)

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Panayotis Vryonis
vrypan at +

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