hard disk

Kwsths math1890 at edu.uch.gr
Sun Mar 28 17:23:22 EEST 1999

Kanw mount ena partition apo to 2o sklhro kai pernw  mynhmata sam ki auto:
EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,65)): ext2_check_descriptors: Block bitmap
for group 96 not in group (block 786432)!
to kanw mount sto /diskb/b1 kai kanontas ls blepw to e3hs:
?rwsrwsr-t 3091 3096     6144     4294967295 Mar 28 06:13 /diskb/b1
to partition einai gyrw sto 1 giga pws ginetai na deixnei 4?
akomh ston idio sklhro exw kai ena fat32 ... to opoio apo ta win mia
fainetai fat32 h mia fat16 ...
ola ayta symbanoun me ta diafora partition pou exw sto 2o sklhro.
3erei kaneis an mporw na kanw kati ?

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