dial-up server

Bob H. Tikos tikos at cis.upenn.edu
Wed Mar 10 19:15:16 EET 1999

Kati pou mporei na voithisei

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  Colin - February 19th 1999, 12:37 EST

  Dialback is a set of html pages and some bash scripts to enable a host
  to call you back and set up a ppp link. It also includes a MS Windows
  dial-up networking script should you wish to use such a machine for a
  client. It is intended for legitimate remote access where you need good
  security (ppp link only available on return call) and/or the other end
  is willing to foot the bill for your connection time. Please note that
  it should be fairly to set up other protocols such as slip.

     Download: http://www.dyer.demon.co.uk/slug/ftp/dialback-0.2.tar.gz
     Homepage: http://www.dyer.demon.co.uk/slug/tipscrip.htm

                 Version: 0.2
                  Author: Colin McKinnon
                 License: Artistic
                Category: Console/Networking
              Depends on: ppp,bash

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