Matrox Millenium G200 (AGP)

Jimmy Z. Stergiou hermes at
Wed Mar 10 10:29:04 EET 1999

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Paris Flegas wrote:

> Egkatesthsa to Redhat 5.1 ki exw provlhma me thn karta grafikwn sta X
> windows
> Exw mia Matrox Millenium II G200(AGP)
> kai den mporei na anagnwrisei to chipset.
> Trexw ton Xconfigurator kai dialegw thn karta alla tipote...
> mporei na voithisei kanenas???
> thanx..

prepei na katebaseis to update gia ta XFree
h karta ayth ypostirizete mono sthnn ekdosi XFree86-3-3-3
opote briskeis to plisiestero redhat mirror kai apo ta updates tou 5.2
katebazeis oti sxetiko me XFree86 breis

Jimmy Z. Stergiou aka Hermes
hermes at, hermes at

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