2.2 kernel requirements

Balafoutis Hlias balaf at dialup.isc.tuc.gr
Thu Jun 3 00:25:01 EEST 1999

Ap'oti diabasa sta requirmnents toy 2.2 kernel yparxei
to pcmcia-cs 3.07 to opoio den briskw pouthena an kai nomizw
oti epsaksa kala. An mporei kapoios as mou pei pou mporw na to brw
Anyway to kyriotero pou thelw na rwthsw einai to ekshs
Sthn prospatheia mou na anabathmisw merika paketa pou xreiazontai
gia to neo kernel mou bgazei to ekshs
libc.so.6 (Glibc_2.1) is needed by ...
libc.so.6 (Glibc_2.0) is needed by ...
kai gia ena paketo ektos apo ta parapanw mou bgazei epipleon oti
libcrypt.so.1 (Glibc_2.0) is needed by ...
libutil.so.1(Glibc_2.0) is needed by ...
telos ... se merikes periptwseis afou egkatasthsei ena aketo mou bgazei 
to ekshs mynhma:
can't open /usr/lib/libpq++.so
Euxaristo kai kalh sas mera

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