NAT under Linux

Ioannis Ioannou roryt at
Fri Jul 9 16:01:34 EEST 1999

Anna wrote:
> Mporw na kanw NAT wste na "bgalw" sto internet me pragmatikh dieu8unsh enan
> server pou brisketai sto fake diktyo mou?

Tha sou pw ti exw kanei egw me 2.0.36 kernel kai ipfwadm, h geniki
kateythintiria grammh einai h idia. Proypothetei gnwseis recompile
kernel, fiaksimo ifconfig, routing kai xrhsh toy firewall.

modem ---- > Linux ---------> Real Ips
               -------------> Fake Ips

To Linux, exei dyo subnets mesa apo to firewall, ena masked gia ta
fakes, ena gia tis real IPs, kai oi syndeseis ginontai eite me dyo
ethernets/dyo hubs, eite me mia kai ena hub, kai IP aliases. 

dhl to Linux tha exei 3 IPs : 
1) thn IP tou PPP me to modem (opws hdh thn exei)
2) thn IP pou deinei masquarate (px, sto eth0
3) mia Real IP apo tis diathesimes sou, sto eth0:0 

Oi kanones toy firewall kanonizoun pou kaneis masquarate, kai pou aplws
routing. PX gia ta 192.168.0.x kaneis masquarate (ipfwadm -F -m k.o.k an
douleueis ipfwadm) , gia thn real IP kaneis aplo routing (ipfwadm -F -a

Ayth einai h genikh grammh. Den nomizw oti me ipchains diaforopoieitai
poly, alla den ta exw doulepsei gia na kserw sigoura.

I.Ioannou <roryt at>
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