kikbd-patched-0.3.4 (Ellhniko - kai oxi mono - plhktrologio gia KDE): teleutaio

Dimitrios P. Bouras dbouras at
Fri Jan 29 20:47:48 EET 1999

Agaphtoi synlistobioi,

H anepishmh patched ekdosh tou kikbd pou exei yposthri3h Ellhnikou
plhktrologiou gia to KDE syntoma 0a brisketai sto:

(auth th stigmh einai sto Oles
oi allages exoun stalei ston Alexander Budnik, kai elpipzw se sxetika
syntomo xroniko diasthma na yparxoun mesa sthn epomenh epishmh ekdosh
tou kikbd. H parapanw anepishmh ekdosh 0a yparxei ston argea mexri
na bgei epishmo kikbd me to support Ellhnikou plhktrologiou.

Gia na 0ymisw tis dynatothtes auths ths ekdoshs tou kikbd, antigrafw
apo to mhnyma mou stis 17/1:

> To dhmantiko ... einai oti exei dyo
> Ellhnika plhktrologia (anti enos), to El1 kai to El7. To
> prwto douleuei me to "hack" tou Giannh tou Tsakirh opws
> auto exei ylopoih0ei sto GRkbd-1,2, dhladh den stelnei ta
> swsta Ellhnika key-syms, alla stelnei ta key-syms tou
> Latin-1 character set pou antistoixoun stis 0eseis twn
> Ellhnikwn xarakthrwn. To deutero (El7) douleuei opws to
> grISOXKb-1.2 pou exoume bgalei o Leuterhs o Tsintjelis kai
> egw, kai stelnei ta swsta Ellhnika key-syms omws orizontai
> apo to X11 gia to ISO8859-7. Me to El1 mporeite na grafete
> Ellhnika sta applications pou gia kapoio logo den "paizoun"
> ta ka0'ola swsta Ellhnika key-syms (p.x. kedit). Me to El7
> mporeite na grafete Ellhnika se auta ta applications pou
> 0eloun ta swsta Ellhnika key-syms gia na doulepsoun, opws
> p.x. to Netscape.

Telos, symperilambanw parakatw kai to README (se Ellhnika kai
Agglika) pou synodeuei thn anepishmh ekdosh 0.3.4 tou kikbd.

Me xairetismous,


arxeio: kikbd-patched-0.3.4.README:
  This is an interim/unofficial patched release of kikbd. It is based
 on the publicly available kikbd-0.2.1 release as provided by the original
 author, Alexander Budnik <budnik at>. It contains additions
 and enhancements needed for implementing Greek keyboard support, coded
 by Dimitrios P. Bouras <dbouras at>. All the original kikbd-0.2.1
 source files have been left intact in files with *.orig extensions.
 However, the original HTML documentation files have not been kept in
 this unofficial release. Furthermore, the message file for English (file
 po/messages.po) has been updated, but no updating has taken place for
 the rest of the supported languages. As I pointed out in the beginning
 of this short README file, this is an interim release, for the benefit
 of KDE users in Greece. As these unofficial patches have been forwarded
 to the original author, it is my hope that, in the near future, a new
 updated official release of kikbd will include all the changes contain

  Best regards,


  ÁõôÞ åßíáé ìéá ðñïóùñéíÞ/áíåðßóçìç Ýêäïóç ôïõ kikbd. ¸÷åé âáóéóôåß óôçí
 åðßóçìç Ýêäïóç 0.2.1, üðùò áõôÞí ðáñÝ÷åé ï äçìéïõñãüò ôçò, Alexander Budnik
 <budnik at>. ÐåñéÝ÷åé ðñïóèÞêåò êáé âåëôéþóåéò ðïõ åßíáé áðá-
 ñáßôçôåò ãéá ôçí õëïðïßçóç ôçò õðïóôÞñéîçò Åëëçíéêïý ðëçêôñïëïãßïõ, êáé
 åßíáé äçìéïýñãçìá ôïõ ÄçìÞôñéïõ Ð. Ìðïýñá <dbouras at>. ¼ëá ôá sources
 ôïõ kikbd-0.2.1 Ý÷ïõí äéáôçñçèåß óå áñ÷åßá ìå ôï åðßèåìá *.orig. Ôá áñ÷åßá
 HTML ôåêìçñßùóçò ôïõ kikbd-0.2.1 ðïõ Ý÷ïõí áëëÜîåé áðïôåëïýí åîáßñåóç,
 êáèþò äåí Ý÷ïõí äéáôçñçèåß óå áõôÞí ôçí áíåðßóçìç Ýêäïóç. Áêüìç, ôï áñ÷åßï
 ìçíõìáôùí ôçò ÁããëéêÞò ãëþóóáò (po/messages.po) Ý÷åé åíçìåñùèåß, áëëÜ äåí
 Ý÷åé óõìâåß ôï ßäéï ìå ôéò õðüëïéðåò ãëþóóåò ðïõ õðïóôçñßæåé ôï kikbd.
 ¼ðùò ôüíéóá êáé óôçí áñ÷Þ áõôïý ôïõ óýíôïìïõ áñ÷åßïõ README, ç Ýêäïóç áõôÞ
 åßíáé ðñïóùñéíÞ, êáé ãßíåôáé ãéá íá êáëýøåé áíÜãêç ôùí ÅëëÞíùí ÷ñçóôþí ôïõ
 KDE. Êáèþò ïé áíåíåðßóçìåò áëëáãÝò ðïõ ðåñéëáìâÜíïíôáé óôçí ðáñïýóá Ýêäïóç
 Ý÷ïõí óôáëåß êáé óôïí Alexander Budnik, åõ÷Þ ìïõ åßíáé, óôï êïíôéíü ìÝëëïí,
 ìéá êáéíïýñãéá åíçìåñùìÝíç Ýêäïóç ôïõ kikbd íá ðåñéÝ÷åé üëåò ôéò âåëôéþóåéò
 ðïõ åéóÜãåé áõôÞ ç Ýêäïóç.

  Ìå ÷áéñåôéóìïýò,

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