bind + cache

Alejandros Diamandidis adia at
Wed Jan 27 13:28:29 EET 1999

> AK> Den kanei ka8olou disk caching? Yparxei tropos na ginei ayto ?

Kati poy den to exw dokimasei, alla mporei na doyleyei:
Sto bind 8 toylaxiston, otan tou steileis ena SIGINT grafei
o,ti exei sth mnhmh toy se ena arxeio. To arxeio ayto mporeis
na tou peis na to diabasei an baleis sto named.conf ta ejhs:

zone "." IN {
        type hint;
        file "/var/tmp/named_dump.db";

To "/var/tmp/named_dump.db" shmeioteon mporei na allajei ws ejhs:

options {
        dump-file "koko";

Opote prin kaneis reboot, stelneis ena SIGINT sto named,
kai grafei th database sto disko. Otan janajekinhsei, diabazei
to dump file, opote h database janafortwnetai sth mnhmh.
Yparxei kapoio problhma;

Alejandros Diamandidis * adia at
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