Penguin Logo?

Dimitris Stasinopoulos reverant at
Wed Jan 13 18:01:29 EET 1999

Mipos ginetai (leo, mipos) na allaksei kaneis ta iparxonda graphika me dika
tou? Mou fainodai teleios mapes ekeina ta aspromavra. Leo na balo kana
xromataki. An nai, poios einai o periorismos sto megethos tou? ( Diastaseis
eikonas kai megethos arxeiou)

> Subject: BIOS cooking :-)
>        Date: 3 Dec 1998 00:28:52 +0200
>        From: tsimbonis at (Sotiris Tsimbonis)
>     Reply-To:   koko at
>  Organization: paiko
>  Newsgroups: local.koko
> Kalie, mageirepsa ligo to BIOS mou kai ebala ena pingouinaki anti gia to
> EPA Energy Star logo pou bgazei otan kanei boot... Einai poly aplo gia
> ola
> ta kala motherboards! Ebala tis odhgies sto
> GNUska, mhn tolmhseis kai den pas :-))))
> Sot.

*                    The Reverant                    * I I *
****************************************************** N S *
*  Minister for the Computers & Technology Area  at  * F   *
*               F o r t u n e   C i t y              * O T *
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*  Assembly Language Programmer & Web Site Designer  * I A *
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