vmware build 106

Christos Ricudis ricudis at paiko.gr
Tue Apr 6 14:42:37 EEST 1999

Hello All!

Gia osous den to dokimasan : To vmware build 106 kai o X server poy yparxei
ayth th stigmh sto www.vmware.com (poy exei ligo diaforetiko mege8os apo
ekeinon poy synodeye to build 103, an kai den anagrafetai poy8ena sto site toys
oti egine update) doyleyoyn kanonikotata ston 2.2.4 kernel (to build 103 me ton
X server toy kollouse agriws ta panta) 

Christos Ricudis
Prof:    So the American government went to IBM to come up with a data
         encryption standard and they came up with ...
Student: EBCDIC!
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