SUSE 6.0

Kaminakis Nikos nickam at
Mon Nov 30 10:24:06 EET 1998

On Sun, 29 Nov 1998, Kwstas Zagoris wrote:

> Gia opoion den to 3eri 8a bgike to Suse 6.0 poli sinstoma 
> perisotera sto 
2,3 shmeia se auto ..
0a vgei leei stis 14 dekemvriou
0a einai glibc based, 0a exei leei ton ecgs 1.1.1, XFree 3.3.3 kai kernel

panw sthn wra pou 0a eperna to 5.3
as elpisoume oti a3izei telika na perimenoume gia to 6.0

gia na doume ....


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