IPX Network

Stelios Xanthakis root at reibel.tee.gr
Wed May 27 00:06:54 EEST 1998

On Tue, 26 May 1998, Admin wrote:

> 8a h8ela na rwthsw an kaneis exei syndesei Novell me LINUX kai pws to
> exei kanei

 Einai arketa efkolo.

 Kat arxin ipostiriksi NCP filesystem sto kernel.

 Meta me ncpmount ginete mount o Novell server pou theleis ke apo ekei
ke pera ine kanoniko directory tou systimatos.

 Endexomenws na xreiastis ke 'ipx_interface add -p ...' gia na orisis
oti i eth0 as' poume milaei se ena diktio pou akouei enas Novell server! 


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