ZHTEITAI: glibc2 binary gia to xisp v2.5

Dimitrios P. Bouras dbouras at hol.gr
Wed Jun 24 20:17:56 EEST 1998

Synlistobioi xairetw sas,

Molis bghke h ekdosh 2.5 tou xisp. To binary pou parexetai mazi me
to source distribution einai gia Linux libc-5. 0a h0ela na yparxei
kai ena glibc2-based binary (gia eunohtous logous), den exw omws
egkatasthsei akomh glibc2 (san deuterh C-library) sto Linux box mou
(exw "meinei" apo xrono ton teleutaio kairo...). Ean kapoios exei
ore3h kai ligo xrono sth dia0esh tou h outws h allws kanei compile
to xisp gia (p.x.) to Red Hat 5.0 systhma tou, 0a euxaristouse pollous
ypopshfious xrhstes tou xisp ean ekane compile/package (oxi aparaithta
me to RPM an kai kati tetoio sigoura 0a boh0ouse) thn kainourgia ekdosh
tou xisp, xrhsimopoiwntas thn static XForms 0.88 library (authn gia
glibc2 ennoeitai :)).

Opoios 0elei na boh0hsei as epikoinwnhsei mazi mou (me proswpiko) gia
tis ypoloipes leptomereies.

Me xairetismous,


|  Dimitrios P. Bouras   |           Tel.: +30 1 968-0554 or 894-1320  |
|  41 Pandora Str.       |  E-mail: dbouras at hol.gr, d.bouras at ieee.org  |
|  166 74 Athens         |          dimitri at ee.ubc.ca                  |
|  GREECE                |          Web: http://users.hol.gr/~dbouras  |
    "There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave
     in a vacuum."                             -- Arthur C. Clarke
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