Nicko Demeter nicko at cwnet.com
Tue Jun 2 04:59:45 EEST 1998

Oh, hmm... Ti kanei ama bazeis rpm -q <libraby>???

Nicko Demeter

-----Original Message-----
From: Kwstas Zagoris <kzagor at rodopi.cc.duth.gr>
To: linux-greek-users at argeas.argos.hol.gr
<linux-greek-users at argeas.argos.hol.gr>
Date: Monday, June 01, 1998 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: RPM

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Nicko Demeter <nicko at cwnet.com>
>To: linux-greek-users at argeas.argos.hol.gr
><linux-greek-users at argeas.argos.hol.gr>
>Date: Tq_tg, 2 Ioum_ou 1998 04:02 pl
>Subject: Re: RPM
>>Poles biblio0hkes einai sto ftp.redhat.com, sto /contrib directory.
>eee signomi den ixa katalabi ti enoouses...tis libs pou leei oti den exo
>bgainoun kanonika me to ldconfig -v .........
>to problima ine oti tis bgazi eno tis exo idi bali .....
>Gia boithia (h na diagrafhte) e-mail sto majordomo at argos.hol.gr
>Ta archives tis listas einai sto http://www.argos.hol.gr/lists :
>prin steilete kapoia erothsh psakte mipos exei hdh apanththei.
>Gia opoiodipote problima stilte e-mail ston owner-linux-greek-users

Gia boithia (h na diagrafhte) e-mail sto majordomo at argos.hol.gr
Ta archives tis listas einai sto http://www.argos.hol.gr/lists :
prin steilete kapoia erothsh psakte mipos exei hdh apanththei.
Gia opoiodipote problima stilte e-mail ston owner-linux-greek-users

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