Audio Extraction?

The Reverant reverant at
Thu Dec 24 05:14:32 EET 1998

Kserei kaneis kana programataki gia Digital Audio Extraction apo command
line gia Linuxaki? An einai de gia SCSI kiolas tote boithate para poli.

*                    The Reverant                    * I I *
****************************************************** N S *
*  Minister for the Computers & Technology Area  at  * F   *
*               F o r t u n e   C i t y              * O T *
*               * R H *
****************************************************** M E *
*     Web Site:     * A   *
****************************************************** T W *
*  Assembly Language Programmer & Web Site Designer  * I A *
****************************************************** O Y *
* email : reverant at *  ICQ: 14965697  * N ! *
*"Electronic communication is becoming an increasingly     *
*important part of our life and everybody must learn to    *
*understand the possibilities of these new and powerful    *
*media. By controlling the media, you get access to all    *
*important information in the world.                       *
*                                                          *
*Do not underestimate the value of information.            *
*                                                          *
*Information is the most powerful thing in the world.      *
*To control the flow of information means even more power. *
*In the future, those who control the flow of the          *
*information, will control the world."                     *

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