Peri toy Linux Journal kai XISP!
Peter Avgeris
pavgeris at
Sun Dec 13 18:20:01 EET 1998
Poly kalo to arqro, anamfisbhthta.
Omws polloi apo emas dystyxws den phrame to Linux journal.
Kai twra prepei na einai hdh arga gia na to broyme.
Ean kapoios apo esas exei scanner kai mporei na bohqhsei, ti qa legate ean
to arqro ayto skanarontan kai anebaine se kapoio server, p.x. sto hellug
wste na mporesoyme kai emeis poy den prolabame na agorasoyme to teyxos na to
Ean mporei kanenas as apanthsei me public mail sth lista.
| Peter D. Avgeris | Mechanical Engineer (N.T.U.A.) |
| 26, Saranta Ekklision st. | Tel.: +30 1 9346257 FAX: +30 1 9577997 |
| 171 24 | Mobile: +30 94 774746 |
| Athens | E-mail: pavgeris at ICQ: 3972577 |
| GREECE | Web: |
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-linux-greek-users at
> [mailto:owner-linux-greek-users at]On Behalf Of Aris V.
> Sotiropoulos
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 1998 4:50 AM
> To: linux-greek-users at
> Subject: Linux Journal kai XISP!
> Phre to mati sas to ar8ro sto LINUX Journal gia to XISP tou sympatriwth
> mas Dhmhtrh Boura? Kalh fash. Mprabo Dhmhtrh!
> Aris Sotiropoulos
> --
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