KDE problems
gastone at otenet.gr
Tue Aug 18 23:06:01 EEST 1998
geia xara,
Telika ontws to KDE einai omorfo kai leitourgiko, alla sthn dikh moy
platforma (Intel Pentium 133Mhz, 32MB RAM, S3 compatible video adapter,
quantum Fireball ST, SlackWare 3.5, exontas kanei compile ton phgaio
kwdika twn "sta0erwn paketwn") exei paroysiasei ta e3hs dyo problhmata :
1. Einai e3airetika argo, endeiktika anaferw oti gia na anebei to
grafiko periballon xreiazetai ~25sec enw gia na anoi3ei to Netscape 4
2. Kata thn diarkeia toy session (synedrias :-) pauei na antapokrinetai
se opoiadhpote epilogh menu item ektos apo ayto ths e3odoy, enw otan
termatisw to X kai epistrepsw se grammh entolhs oloi oi xarakthres
emfanizontai kinezikoi se oles tis konsoles (shmeiwnw oti den exw
egkatasthshei ellhnika).
euxaristw ek twn proterwn
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prin steilete kapoia erothsh psakte mipos exei hdh apanththei.
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