grIso1.2 & compose key

Dimitrios P. Bouras dbouras at
Mon Aug 31 17:17:11 EEST 1998

Efthimios Mavrogeorgiadis wrote:
> Mia pou twra teleutaia asxoloumai me to LyX, prospa8hsa na metatrepsw to de3i
> plhktro tou Control se Compose key gia na grafw gallika, germanika klp. me
> tonous kai umlaut sto LyX.


  Ta default key-maps tou grISOXKb-1.2 xrhsimopoioun to Compose
 key (h alliws Multi-key) san "one shot lock key". Dhladh, otan
 pathseis to plhktro tou tonou pou einai to Multi-key, auto einai
 locked mexri na pathseis kapoio allo plhktro. Auto to "work-
 around" (pou sto documentation onomazw "emulation mode") ginetai
 gia na mporoume na grafoume tonous se X-apps (opws to Netscape
 p.x.) pou *den* exoun support gia compose sequences. Gia ta
 applications pou exoun graftei na yposthrizoun compose sequences
 (p.x. applications tou CDE) prepei na xrhsimopoihseis ta
 enallaktika kay-maps pou prexontai me to grISOXKb-1.2. Enas
 tropos na to kaneis auto einai na tre3eis to script kbd-el h to
 kbd-dflt (apo to shell sto xterm sou) me to "-C" argument.
 Analytika oi periptwseis:

  Command line | Emulation mode | Primary keymap | Secondary keymap
   kbd-el      |      on        |   Hellenic     |       US
   kbd-el -C   |      off       |   Hellenic     |       US
   kbd-dflt    |      on        |      US        |    Hellenic
   kbd-dflt -C |      off       |      US        |    Hellenic

 Elpizw ta parapanw na se "3elaspwsoun" estw kai ka0ysterhmena. Gia
 perissoteres leptomereies mporeis na steileis proswpiko.


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