*-bit machines (was Re: Gia autov pou bare8hke to Linux.)

THEMiS PAPASSiLEKAS pooke at compulink.gr
Sun Aug 16 09:53:27 EEST 1998

I.Ioannou wrote:

> E na anoiksw kai egw mia fora ena asxeto thread na to eyxaristitho :
> Oi pragmatikoi antres ksekinhsan me ZX81, 1Mb RAM, plhktrologio afhs, kai
> kwdika mhxanhs Z80 :-)

Oi pragmatikoi antrew kanane dump ta cartridges tou Atari 2600 se Amstrad CPC
kai meta anakalyptan oti o prwtos emulator pou vghke pote den douleve... :D


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