Creating Web Plot on Demand

Kostas Lialiambis admin at
Mon Aug 10 23:25:09 EEST 1998

Sto Linux Journal toy Augustou yphrxe ena poly wraio ar8ro gia to pws 8a
kanete display ta hits ston apache server sas me mia cgi script.

An 8ete ri3te mia matia sto URL:

to opoio deixnei ta hits ths prohgoymenhs mera (opoia kai nanai ayth) me ena
plot se gifaki.

An sas arese kai 8ete na to balte kai seis to diko sas server ta exw ola
etoima sto arxeio:

Ypoti8ete oti exete eggkatesthmeno to gnuplot ston ypologisth sas. Mporei na
exete kai to ppmtogif poy metatrepei arxeia tou gnuplot se gif (to NetPBM
yparxei sto RedHat distribution) alla kaloy kako to binary emperiexetai mesa
sto zipaki poy sas lew. Mh 3exaste na alla3te tis arxikes parametroys kai na
balte to swsto path.


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