redhat 5.1 vs Cyrix 6x86

Michalis Kabrianis mkabrian at
Fri Aug 7 00:59:45 EEST 1998

> Eeeeee! Hremia vreeee! Eixa enan apo tous POLY prwtous epejergastes Cyrix
> (rev1.2 nomizw... ypoti8etai oti oi Cyrix htan 'buggy' mexri thn 1.7) kai
> etrexa
> RH xwris KANENA MA KANENA PROVLHMA!!! Ayth th stigmh exw enan 6x86/233MX kai
> me
> to RH5.0 ola pane fina... ase pou to sig11 vgainei se olous anejarthtws tous
> ypologistes... to exw dei se Cyrix (ton diko mou-- efyge otan allaja mnhmes),
> se
> AMD kai se Intel PPro... Ante, as mh leme oti 8eloume! :)

Package: cyrix 

Updated: 29-Dec-1997 


       (05-Dec-1997) Cyrix processors may have sig 11 and other problems. 
       (29-Dec-1997) Fixes problems involving sig 11 during compiling on older
Cyrix chips. 


       Intel: (Note: this is _not_ an official update, nor is it PGP-signed by
Red Hat. Rather, this is for people who have older Cyrix chips, and experience
difficulting when

Oxi, den leme oti theloume. Mathame pia se ayti ti lista na leme ayto pou
kseroume, kai an den kseroume na leme NOMIZW. Kai den einai tyxaio me enan
P133+ revv 1.6 molis perastikan ta paketa ayta na doulevei kanonika k
ata 90 %, apo ekei pou den douleve katholou.


Michalis Kabrianis
mkabrian at
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