Socket Intro ...

Mike Flouris flouris at
Tue Sep 23 16:47:11 EEST 1997

Nomizw oti kapoios rwtoyse gia sockets prin
apo merikes meres.
Ksanastelnw to mail giati thn prohgoymenh
fora moy to ekopse o server ...

Mike &
-------------- next part --------------

           BSD Sockets:  A Quick And Dirty Primer
                          by Jim Frost
                        November 2, 1989

As you delve into the mysteries of UNIX, you find more  and  more
things  that  are  difficult  to  understand immediately.  One of
these things, at least for most people, is the  BSD  socket  con-
cept.   This is a short tutorial that explains what they are, how
they work, and gives sample code showing how to use them.

                           The Analogy
               (or:  What *IS* a socket, anyway?)

The socket is the BSD method for accomplishing interprocess  com-
munication  (IPC).   What this means is a socket is used to allow
one process to speak to another, very much like the telephone  is
used to allow one person to speak to another.

The telephone analogy is a very good one, and will  be  used  re-
peatedly to describe socket behavior.

                    Installing Your New Phone
           (or:  How to listen for socket connections)

In order for a person to receive telephone calls, he  must  first
have a telephone installed.  Likewise you must create a socket to
listen for connections.  This  process  involves  several  steps.
First  you  must  make a new socket, which is similar to having a
telephone line installed.  The socket() command  is  used  to  do

Since sockets can have several types, you must specify what  type
of socket you want when you create one.  One option that you have
is the addressing format of a socket.  Just as the  mail  service
uses  a  different scheme to deliver mail than the telephone com-
pany uses to complete calls, so can sockets differ.  The two most
common  addressing  schemes are AF_UNIX and AF_INET.  AF_UNIX ad-
dressing uses UNIX pathnames to identify sockets;  these  sockets
are  very  useful  for IPC between processes on the same machine.
AF_INET addressing uses Internet addresses which  are  four  byte
numbers  usually  written  as  four  decimal numbers separated by
periods (such as  In addition to the  machine  ad-
dress,  there  is  also  a port number which allows more than one
AF_INET socket on each machine.  AF_INET addresses  are  what  we
will deal with here.

Another option which you must supply when creating  a  socket  is
the  type  of  socket.  The two most common types are SOCK_STREAM
and SOCK_DGRAM.  SOCK_STREAM indicates that data will come across
the  socket as a stream of characters, while SOCK_DGRAM indicates
that data will come in bunches (called datagrams).   We  will  be
dealing with SOCK_STREAM sockets, which are very common.

After creating a socket, we must give the socket  an  address  to
listen to, just as you get a telephone number so that you can re-
ceive calls.  The bind() function is used to do this (it binds  a
socket to an address, hence the name).

SOCK_STREAM type sockets have the ability to queue incoming  con-
nection  requests,  which is a lot like having "call waiting" for
your telephone.  If you are busy handling a connection, the  con-
nection  request  will  wait  until  you  can  deal with it.  The
listen() function is used to set the maximum number  of  requests
(up to a maximum of five, usually) that will be queued before re-
quests start being denied.  While it is not necessary to use  the
listen() function, it's good practice.

The following function shows how to use the socket(), bind(), and
listen() functions to establish a socket which can accept calls:

  /* code to establish a socket; originally from bzs at

  int establish(portnum)
  u_short portnum;
  { char   myname[MAXHOSTNAME+1];
    int    s;
    struct sockaddr_in sa;
    struct hostent *hp;

    bzero(&sa,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));      /* clear our address */
    gethostname(myname,MAXHOSTNAME);            /* who are we? */
    hp= gethostbyname(myname);                  /* get our address info */
    if (hp == NULL)                             /* we don't exist !? */
    sa.sin_family= hp->h_addrtype;              /* this is our host address */
    sa.sin_port= htons(portnum);                /* this is our port number */
    if ((s= socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0) /* create socket */
    if (bind(s,&sa,sizeof sa,0) < 0)
      return(-1);                               /* bind address to socket */
    listen(s, 3);                               /* max # of queued connects */

After you create a socket to get calls, you must wait  for  calls
to  that socket.  The accept() function is used to do this.  Cal-
ling accept() is analogous to picking up the  telephone  if  it's
ringing.  Accept() returns a new socket which is connected to the

The following function can be used to accept a  connection  on  a
socket  that  has  been  created  using  the establish() function

  int get_connection(s)
  int s;                    /* socket created with establish() */
  { struct sockaddr_in isa; /* address of socket */
    int i;                  /* size of address */
    int t;                  /* socket of connection */

    i = sizeof(isa);                   /* find socket's address */
    getsockname(s,&isa,&i);            /* for accept() */

    if ((t = accept(s,&isa,&i)) < 0)   /* accept connection if there is one */

Unlike with the telephone, you may still accept calls while  pro-
cessing  previous  connections.  For this reason you usually fork
off jobs to handle each connection.  The following code shows how
to use establish() and get_connection() to allow multiple connec-
tions to be dealt with:

  #include <errno.h>       /* obligatory includes */
  #include <signal.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/socket.h>
  #include <sys/wait.h>
  #include <netinet/in.h>
  #include <netdb.h>

  #define PORTNUM 50000 /* random port number, we need something */

  void fireman(), do_something();

  { int s, t;

    if ((s= establish(PORTNUM)) < 0) {  /* plug in the phone */

    signal(SIGCHLD, fireman);           /* this eliminates zombies */

    for (;;) {                          /* loop for phone calls */
      if ((t= get_connection(s)) < 0) { /* get a connection */
        if (errno == EINTR)             /* EINTR might happen on accept(), */
          continue;                     /* try again */
        perror("accept");               /* bad */
      switch(fork()) {                  /* try to handle connection */
      case -1 :                         /* bad news.  scream and die */
      case 0 :                          /* we're the child, do something */
      default :                         /* we're the parent so look for */
        continue;                       /* another connection */

  /* as children die we should get catch their returns or else we get
   * zombies, A Bad Thing.  fireman() catches falling children.

  void fireman()
  { union wait wstatus;

    while(wait3(&wstatus,WNOHANG,NULL) >= 0);

  /* this is the function that plays with the socket.  it will be called
   * after getting a connection.

  void do_something(s)
  int s;
    /* do your thing with the socket here

                   (or:  How to call a socket)

You now know how to create a socket that will accept incoming calls.
So how do you call it?  As with the telephone, you must first have the
phone before using it to call.  You use the socket() function to do
this, exactly as you establish a socket to listen to.

After getting a socket to make the call with, and giving it an
address, you use the connect() function to try to connect to a
listening socket.  The following function calls a particular port
number on a particular host:

  int call_socket(hostname, portnum)
  char *hostname;
  { struct sockaddr_in sa;
    struct hostent     *hp;
    int a, s;

    if ((hp= gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL) { /* do we know the host's */
      errno= ECONNREFUSED;                       /* address? */
      return(-1);                                /* no */

    bcopy(hp->h_addr,(char *)&sa.sin_addr,hp->h_length); /* set address */
    sa.sin_family= hp->h_addrtype;
    sa.sin_port= htons((u_short)portnum);

    if ((s= socket(hp->h_addrtype,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0)   /* get socket */
    if (connect(s,&sa,sizeof sa) < 0)                    /* connect */

This function returns a connected socket through which  data  can

               (or:  How to talk between sockets)

Now that you have a connection between sockets you want  to  send
data  between them.  The read() and write() functions are used to
do this, just as they are for normal files.  There  is  only  one
major  difference  between  socket  reading  and writing and file
reading and writing:  you don't usually get back the same  number
of  characters  that you asked for, so you usually loop until you
have read the number of characters that you want.  A simple func-
tion to read a given number of characters into a buffer is:

  int read_data(s,buf,n)
  int  s;                /* connected socket */
  char *buf;             /* pointer to the buffer */
  int  n;                /* number of characters (bytes) we want */
  { int bcount,          /* counts bytes read */
        br;              /* bytes read this pass */

    bcount= 0;
    br= 0;
    while (bcount < n) {             /* loop until full buffer */
      if ((br= read(s,buf,n-bcount)) > 0) {
        bcount += br;                /* increment byte counter */
        buf += br;                   /* move buffer ptr for next read */
      if (br < 0)                    /* signal an error to the caller */

A very similar function should be used to write  data;  we  leave
that function as an exercise to the reader.

                           Hanging Up
        (or:  What to do when you're done with a socket)

Just as you hang up when you're through speaking to someone  over
the  telephone,  so  must you close a connection between sockets.
The normal _c_l_o_s_e() function is used to close each end of a socket
connection.  If one end of a socket is closed and the other tries
to write to its end, the write will return an error.

                      Speaking The Language
                 (or:  Byte order is important)

Now that you can talk between machines, you have  to  be  careful
what  you  say.   Many  machines  use differing dialects, such as
ASCII versus (yech) EBCDIC.  More commonly there  are  byte-order
problems.  Unless you always pass text, you'll run up against the
byte-order problem.  Luckily people have already figured out what
to do about it.

Once upon a time in the dark ages someone decided which byte ord-
er  was  "right".   Now there exist functions that convert one to
the other if necessary.  Some  of  these  functions  are  htons()
(host  to  network short integer), ntohs() (network to host short
integer), htoni() (host to network integer), ntohi() (network  to
host  integer),  htonl()  (host  to  network  long  integer), and
ntohl() (network to host long integer).  Before  sending  an  in-
teger  through  a  socket,  you  should first massage it with the
htoni() function:

  i= htoni(i);
  write_data(s, &i, sizeof(i));

and after reading data you should convert it back with ntohi():

  read_data(s, &i, sizeof(i));
  i= ntohi(i);

If you keep in the habit of using these functions you'll be  less
likely  to  goof  it up in those circumstances where it is neces-

                   The Future Is In Your Hands
                      (or:  What to do now)

Using just what's been discussed here you should be able to build
your own programs that communicate with sockets.  As with all new
things, however, it would be a good idea to look  at  what's  al-
ready  been  done.   Many public domain programs exist which make
use of the socket concept, and many books  exist  which  go  into
much  more depth than I have here.  In addition I've deliberately
left out a lot of details such as what kinds  of  things  can  go
wrong;  the manual pages for each of the functions should be con-
sulted for this information.

If you have further  questions  about  sockets  or  this  primer,
please feel free to ask me at email address madd at

Jim Frost
Software Tool & Die
(617) 739-0202
madd at

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