Re^2: H ponemenh istoria enos ethernet ( EEPRO100.c )
Georgatos Photis
gef at
Thu Oct 9 16:32:30 EEST 1997
Christos Ricudis wrote:
> L> Ap' oso jerw, o kernel prepei na einai enhmeros gia ola ta
> L> modules.
> la8os. Ta perissotera modules einai plhrws self-contained (oso den eksartwntai
> apo kati allo panw ston kernel poy den einai modularized). Mporeis na kaneis
> aberta compile ena .o kai na to xrhsimopoihseis, to exw kanei polles fores.
> Christos Ricudis, ricudis at 2:413/11.0.
Nai, to dokimasa kai petyxe.
Kai sygkekrimena me mia eepro100, poy bariomouna na ftiajw neo pyrhna.
Par' ola ayta, enw h karta douleye, kapoies stigmes "stamatage".
Katebaza to module (rmmod), to janashkwna, ebaza ta diktiaka (ifc,
kai ola meli gala...
Jerei kaneis ti mporei na ftaiei?
PS: To source to eepro100.c einai sto cesdis.(agnosto), kai
einai poly kainoyrio gia na einai ston pyrhna...
| Georgatos Photis | University of Patras, |
| | Dpt. of Computer Engineering & Informatics |
| GGGG EEEE FFFF | 5th year student of CEID |
| G EEE FFF | www: |
| G G E F | e-mail: mailto:gef at |
| GGGG EEEE F | phone: +30-61-437249 |
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