(Howto) Klhsh enos programmatos mesa apo web page

Michalas Othon mixalas at forthnet.gr
Thu Mar 27 23:12:55 EET 1997

Kat arxhn bale to programa sto directory pou o WebServer
blepei ta cgi p.x. /www/cgi-bin
Onomase to me onoma pou arxizei apo nph an sou dhmiourgei
problhmatakia p.x. nph-to_programma
Sto Href dwse


- -O8wn

>Gia xara se olous (euxaristw katarxhn gia tis apanthseis peri lpt ports,
>eixa ena step motor to opoio h8ela na kinhsw kai epitelous to kinhsa)
>Twra 8elw na kalw to programma pou eftiaxa mesa apo Web page me xrhsh
>buttons. A to programma auto pernei parametrous apo command line
>p.x step left 80
>h step right 10 klp
>Mhpws kaneis mporei na me boh8hsei
>Me ektimhsh
>X. Ioannou
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