copy paste
Giannis Tsakiris
orb at
Sun Mar 9 23:02:41 EET 1997
Geia sas,
Molis egkatestisa ena pio prosfato kernel mou parousiastike to
eksis periergo: Enw to keimeno stis konsoles tou linux fenete mia
xara otan epileksw ena komati me to pontiki (me to gpm) kai to
kanw paste afto anaparagete me merikous xaraktires alliwmenous.
p.x.: to a ginete c, to o -> u , x -> W , y -> } ...kai alla tetoia
trela. De mporw na katalabw ti symbenei, alla exw tin entypwsi oti
to problima ksekinaei ti stigmi pou to gpm diabazei ta dedomena apo
tin o8oni kai oxi otan ta antigrafei.
Parakalw an kserei kaneis tipota na me boi8isei.
Giannis Tsakiris
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