[Fwd: ppp-user - Users can handle PPP easily]

Costas Vlassis lonewolf at compulink.gr
Sun Mar 9 15:46:10 EET 1997

Subject: ppp-user - Users can handle PPP easily
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 06:21:37 GMT
From: nils at wombat.dialup.fht-esslingen.de (Nils Philippsen)
Organization: InterNetNews at News.BelWue.DE (Stuttgart, Germany)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Followup-To: comp.os.linux.networking


I'd like to announce the ppp-user package in its first public version
0.9 which provides the "ppp" program. It is simply a really small
frontend for pppd in order to make the handling of PPP connections
available for the mortal user.

It can be obtained on ftp.fht-esslingen.de in


or as RPM/SRPM in


Try it and please mail any comments to me (especially concerning
security, it's my first setuid C-program)

Bye, Nils
- - --
Nils Philippsen            INET at college:nils at rhlx01.rz.fht-esslingen.de
Vogelsangstrasse 115     UUCP at home: nils at wombat.dialup.fht-esslingen.de
D 70197 Stuttgart             Linux, the way to get rid of boot viruses

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv


- --
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