pppd, QUESTION #2

Fotis Andritsopoulos fandrit at ariadne-t.gr
Wed Feb 26 13:28:56 EET 1997

An kai den exw parakolou8hsei tis prohgoumenes apanthseis nomizw pws sto
arkei na pros8eseis th grammh :

none             /proc    proc        defaults   1   1

Aparaithth proypo8esh einai oti ti /proc uposthrizetai apoton kernel sou....

At 01:10 =EC=EC 26/2/1997 +0000, Sotiris Sotiropoulos wrote:
>Me afopfn apo tis apavtnseis pou pnpa ema8a polla perissotepa gia to
>proc filesystem. Diavasa kai apo kapoia vivlia tou Linux pou exw kai
>twpa ovtws xepw poso snmavtiko eivai. Bevaia meses akpes ta nxepa kai
>apo priv auta ta pragmata aplws twpa mbopw va pw oti ta xepw se pio
>va8os. Loipov x8es pros8esa tnv grammn pou mou eipes sto /etc/fstab
>apxeio kai ekava reboot, kai pnpa to parakatw muvnma:
>	"mount: none already mounted or /proc busy"
>to opoio dev mou leei kai polla. Prospa8nsa va to kavw manually divovtas
>tnv evtoln:
>	mount -t proc none /proc
>kai evgale to idio muvnma kati pou fusika to perimeva.
>Exw Linux kernel version 1.2.13. Auto pou diavasa eivai oti to /proc
>filesystem eivai hardcoded mesa sto leitoupgiko. Vevaia sta diagrammata
>pou eixe to vivlio ovtws eivai fusiko va mbopeis va to kaveis mount mia
>kai edeixve oti eivai independent file system.
>Av kapoios (-a) exei kati perissotepo va piei n va upodeixei 8a me
>von8ouse polu. Pvtws prepei va avafepw oti dev exw kaveva provlnma=20
>sto va epituvxavw suvdesn me tov ISP (Intenet Servive Provider) mou,=20
>exw apo to evoxlntiko muvnma:
>	" Message from syslogd@<hostname> at <date and time> ...
>  	 <hostname pppd[223]: proc file system not mounted "
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