pppd #2,The sequel....

Liakakis Kostas kostas at rincewind.techpath.gr
Tue Feb 25 12:35:23 EET 1997

On Fri, 21 Feb 1997, Michalas Othon wrote:

> Trexw CERN 3.0.0A mhpws kanena kalo paidi exei kanena giatriko
> kalo gia ta zompi ???

Hmm.. ego phga mesa sta sources kai to ekana na pianei to SIGCHLD sosta.
Gia to linux mperdeuontan h BSD me thn SYSV symperifora. Ta BSD, mia fora
na kaneis signal(SIGCHLD, handler) to krataei, sto SYSV to kanei reset
molis mpei sthn handler() gia proth fora. Prepei prin epstrepsei h
handler() na 3anakanei signal(SIGCHLD, handler). To linux akolou0ei th
sysv symperifora ston tomea auto.

Ap'oti 0ymamai to eixa brei eukola, allios na sou steilo to binary mou.

- -K.

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