
Kostas Christofilos kostasx at asterix.ee.duth.gr
Tue Feb 11 16:28:18 EET 1997

Hallo fellows. Eimai enas apo tous neofwtistous pou molis ma8enw to Linux
kai pisteyte me to briskw fantastiko. Apofasisa na graftw ki egw sth lista
sas kai th parakolou8w apo thn arxh. 8a h8ela na kanw mia paraklhsh, ean
mporeite mesw ths listas auths na dhmosieuete orismena tips 'h na mas
parapempete se kapoia Web Sites opou 8a mporesoume na broume plhrofories
panw sto Linux. Pisteuw pws uparxoun ki alla nea paidia pou den gnwrizoun
kala to Linux kai me auth th kinish 8a boh8h8oun polu.

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